The Big Think

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Bouncing Back with The Big Think

Learners are Bouncing Back

and Reconnecting

with help from The Big Think 

Katherine Mannion, PSHE Lead at Eastfield Primary School, Enfield, London

During lockdown, teachers used The Big Think's 'Connecting Classrooms' lesson kits on their Remote Learning timetables. Some year groups brought the children together for a LIVE TBT session, while others created recorded lessons for children to access online. We had a great response to these sessions and children in KS1 particularly enjoyed being able to do the 'Silent Sitting' in the comfort of their own home! 

When we returned to the classroom in March 2021, we knew that there would be an increased focus on core subjects like maths and writing. However, we also wanted to ensure the children would be accessing good quality PSHE lessons and be given regular opportunities to express their thoughts and feelings.

We were reassured by the DfE's update that teachers should:

'prioritise RSHE content based on the needs of their pupils'

 So, with Sarah's help at The Big Think, we devised a programme of TBT lessons for the remainder of the year to suit the needs of our children at Eastfield. We have selected lessons from 'Peace' and 'Truth' because of their focus on pupil wellbeing – they promote Social and Emotional Learning Skills such as Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation – and they also capture important values like Belonging, Growth and Pride to meet gaps in learning related to puberty and the new RSE statutory requirements.  We are looking forward to reconnecting with our students over the coming months and having many a singalong to 'The Big Sing'!