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Meeting Statutory Requirements

The Big 5 is a dialogic, practical and progressive, 2-year rolling programme that ensures your school can demonstrate fulfilment of the statutory Relationships, Health and Wellbeing curriculum and OFSTED Personal Development expectations (including SMSC, Character Education and British Values).

TB5 Evidence For Meeting RSHE Statutory Requirements

Relationships Education

Topic 1: Families and People Who Care For Me


Topic 2: Caring Friendships


Topic 3: Respectful Relationships

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

h. NSPCC (Link)

Topic 4: Online Relationships

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

b. Report Harmful Content (Link)
c. NSPCC Share Aware (Link)
e. Safe Kids (Link)

Topic 5: Being Safe

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

a, b, c, d, e, f. NSPCC (Download)
g, h. Childline (Link)

Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing

Topic 1: Mental Wellbeing

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

c. Childline: Building Confidence & Self Esteem (Link)
i. Childline: Get Support (Link)
j. Childline: Mental Health (Link)

Topic 2: Internet Safety and Harms

topic 2 mental

Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

b. NSPCC: Share Aware Teaching (Link)
c. NSPCC: Lesson Plans for Healthy Online Friendships (Download)
d. BBFC: Primary Education Resources (Link)
f. KS2 Computer Studies (Download)
g. Follow UK Safer Internet Centre SMART rules:
T for Tell: Tell a parent, carer or a trusted adult if someone, or something, makes you feel uncomfortable or worried, or if you or someone you know is being bullied online.

Topic 3: Physical Health and Fitness

topic 3 mental

Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

a. Childline: Sport Exercise (Link)
b. NC Science - Year 2 - Animals, including humans:
describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene
c. NHS: How Much Exercise (Link)
d. Childline: You and Your Body (Link)

Topic 4: Healthy Eating

topic 4 eating

Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

b. NC - DT Cooking and Nutrition KS2 (Link)
c. NC – Year 6: To recognise the impact of diet, exercise, and lifestyle on the way their bodies function.

Topic 5: Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

a. Childline: Drugs, Alcohol and Smoking (Link)

NC – Year 6: To recognise the impact of drugs on the way their bodies function.

Topic 6: Health and Prevention

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

b. NHS - Sunscreen and sun safety (Link)
c. NHS - Importance of Sleep (Link)

d. NHS - Oral hygiene for children (Link)

f. NHS - Vaccine advice (Link)

Topic 7: Basic First Aid

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

a. Teaching children to call 999 (Link) 999 script (Link)

b. St John’s Ambulance Service Big First Aid Lesson (Link)

Topic 8: Changing Adolescent Body

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Supporting Science, Health and Safeguarding resources:

a.     NC – Year 5: To describe the changes as humans develop to old age.  (Here they should learn about the changes experienced in puberty.)
Hey Girls (Link)
Childline Puberty Facts (Link)

b.     NC – Year 5: To describe the changes as humans develop to old age.  (Here they should learn about the changes experienced in puberty.)
Hey Girls (Link)

Additional Resources

The Big 5 programme assumes that the following content is covered as part of the school’s Sex Education and Safeguarding duties:

  • External body parts including, penis, vulva (this is Safeguarding and comes first)

  • Safe and unsafe touching (see KCSIE Guidance document below listing this as a statutory safeguarding duty)

  • Key facts about the menstrual cycle

The programme assumes this technical content is covered under your Science curriculum:

  • about dental health and the benefits of good oral hygiene and dental flossing, including regular checkups at the dentist

  • how to recognise early signs of physical illness, such as weight loss, or unexplained changes to the body

  • the facts about legal and illegal harmful substances

  • the facts and science relating to allergies, immunisation and vaccination

Key Safeguarding documents:

Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance (September 2020 update) (Download)

Information Sharing (Download)

What is Harmful Sexual Behaviour? (Link)

Recommended resource from Brook to support teachers monitoring safeguarding in class (Link)